• Article should be maximum of 3,500 words (approximately 7-8 pages including references but excluding graph, chart and table)*, book reviews and conference reports should be about 1,000 words in length.
  • The original paper must have an appropriate main titles with appropriate subtitles with 15 words;
  • All quotations in the main text should consistently be in double quotation marks.
  • The final manuscript should be prepared in MS-Word, 12-point (font size), and double-spaced (Line and Paragraph). Leave wide margins (1.5”) on all sides of the page (Top, Bottom, Left and Right).
  • English manuscripts should be prepared in Times New Roman and in AHT Times New Roman (if there is any transliteration).
  • Four separate types of documents should be prepared. Arrange them in the following order: (1) Title page, (2) Abstract, (3) text, tables, references (at the end of the manuscript), and (4) Figures (if any) or Appendix.
  • Remove all author-identifying details from the main text in order to ensure anonymity for a blinded review process.


The Title Page should contain:

  • The author’s name (full name of each author with maximum of three degrees), institutional affiliation, phone/fax number and mailing addresses (e-mail and postal) should be given on the title page of the manuscript only to facilitate blind reviewing.
  • A short biography of the author(s) within 50 words should be given on the title page only.
  • The title page will be removed before the manuscript is sent out for the review.


  • A succinct and factual abstract is required (between 150-200 words). The abstract should state:

(i.) the purpose of the research,

(ii.) the method(s) used,

(iii.) the major results obtained, and

(iv.) key conclusions.

  • The abstract should be followed by a maximum of 5 keywords in the article.
  • Please note that Book Reviews, Conference/Seminar reports, research notes do not require an Abstract.



References Citations

In-text citations, author-date-page number system is highly recommended. The followings are the examples:

Author Citation:

  • Single author:

(i) Banu (1991) asserted that …. and

(ii) …found in South African snakes (Edwards, 2002).

  • When material is quoted verbatim, the page number must be included. Examples are as follows:

(i). Aminuddin (1985: 120) mentioned that “acquisition is best in an immersion programme.” and

(ii.) One assumption is that “…grammatical shifts do not occur in literary texts arbitrarily” (Johns, 2002: 23) and should “not be treated lightly” (Kazmi, 2003: 10-11).

  • If a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the work is referred to in the text.

e.g., Rollen and Osmond (1983) have given a detailed explanation on the crowding-out effect in their paper entitled….

  • If a work has three to five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs; in subsequent citations, include only the name of the first author followed by “et al.” And the year whenever the work is cited (in the reference list, however, all names must be given). For instance:

(i). First text citation: Wudak, Howard, Rosenthal, Gertman and Lock (1994) found…and

(ii.) Subsequent citations: Wudak et al., (1994) in their study….

  • Page numbers should be provided when specific arguments or findings of authors are paraphrased, summarized, or directly quoted.


Footnotes are recommended. Footnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript with superscript Arabic numerals. Footnotes should be in 10-point font size and not more than three lines.


  • An alphabetically-ordered reference list should be included at the end of the manuscript. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list.
  • Several references by the same author(s) should be ordered chronologically (earliest date first).
  • Begin the reference list on a new page and type the word REFERENCES centered and bold at the top of the page.
  • Type each entry using a hanging-indent format and follow the format and references style of the example below.



Banu, U.A.B. Razia Akter. (1991). Islam in Bangladesh. E.J. Brill.

Brockett, O. (1967). History of the theatre (2nd edn.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Brown, R., & Jenks, B. (1960). Social dilemma. New York: Free Press, Macmillan.

Ibrahim, A. H. (2003). A history of The. In N. Osmon, R. Moten, & P. O’Connor (eds.), The word “the” as a word (pp. 23 – 35). Kuala Lumpur: Pelandik Publications.

International Islamic University Malaysia. (1992). Islamization of knowledge. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Press.

Moustapha, Sano Koutoub. (2006a). No compulsion over Ijtihadic issues: a methodological viewpoint. Lebanon: DÉr Ibn Hazmi.

Moustapha, Sano Koutoub. (2006b). Public interest and its contemporary applications. Lebanon: DÉr Ibn Hazmi.

Roeder, K., Tan, A., Shaster, N., Van Nuys, A., Eric, L., & Williams, M. (1967). Nerve cells and insect behavior. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Wilson, J. G., & Fraser, F. C. (eds.). (1977). Teratology in Bolivia, vol. 1, Handbook of teratology. New York: Plenum Press.


* Authors are advised to put the table at the end of the article as in appendix.