Call for Papers for Volume 06, (June-2016)

10 April 2016, 4:36 am Written by 
Published in Upcoming Events
Read 1588192 times Last modified on Sunday, 14 February 2016 12:41
                    CALL FOR PAPERS


Dear Sir/Madam

Assalamu ‘alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barkatuhu.

It’s our immense pleasure to inform you that the Manarat International University (MIU) is going to publish 6th Issue (June 2016) of “Manarat International University Studies (Print Version ISSN: 1815-5754)”, a Biennial Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal.

It is also noted that MIU Studies is now published as an Open Access Online Journal (e-Journal) and expected to be an INDEXED JOURNAL within near future hence it would be considered as an International Standard Research Journal

Therefore, we are welcoming your original manuscript for submission to the MIU Studies. It is our highly expectation that you will follow the research methodology and template of MIU Studies to prepare your manuscript and to submit it since the Journal is considered as a peer-reviewed research Journal and devoted to ensure the quality research papers.



The Journal emphasizes on the following fields of research but not limited to:  

Business and Economics, Social Sciences, Language and Literature, Law and Islamic Jurisprudence, Applied and Allied Sciences (Pharmacy, EEE, ECE, CSE etc.), Media and Journalism, Education, Islamic Studies and Sociology and Philosophy.



[PLAGIARISM is strictly prohibited]

The Manuscripts should contain the following requirements:

  1. Full Title of the Manuscript (maximum 15 words).
  2. An Abstract (within 150-200 words) and Keywords (Maximum 5 Words).
  3. Main text should not be more than 3500 words (approximately 7-8 pages).
  4. Manuscripts should have:

Abstract (maximum of 200 words) along with maximum of 5 Keywords. (1.) Introduction, (Including problem statement and research question/s), (1.1)Objectives, (1.2.) Literature Review, (2.) Methodology, (3) Analysis and Findings, and (4.) Conclusion and Recommendations, (5.) References, Appendix(if any).

  1. In-text (author-date) citations are recommended.
  2. The manuscript in English Languages is only welcome.



Submission of full manuscript by 10 APRIL 2016

Please, read carefully the Guidelines and follow the Templates of MIU Studies before preparing the manuscript and submission it to us.

Online Version :

Guidelines in details:

Online Submission:  

The Soft copy in MS Word format could be submitted to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Best Regards

The Executive Editor,

Manarat International University Studies (MIUS)

Manarat International University, Road # 106, Gulshan, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.

Date: 01 February 2016

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